Power Bill Keeps Increasing But You Never Feel Cooler In Summer?

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Bad energy efficiency is the bane of many people's lives, and they don't even know it. If your home feels like it heats up too quickly, takes far too long to cool down in summer or never seems to get any breeze, then you may have a badly designed home when it comes to energy consumption. If you have these problems, or perhaps you are worried about them and are currently designing your new home, then an energy-efficient home design consultant is what you are after.

What Does an Energy-Efficient Home Design Look Like?

When talking about an energy-efficient home design, we are talking about utilising power in ways that go beyond putting ventilated air conditioning in the home. You might, for example, design your home so that there are large skylights on the side where the sun will rise so that it will heat up your home. Or perhaps you'll make insulation and glazed windows a core part of your planning so that heat does not transfer so quickly, making your home cooler (or hotter in winter) longer and in a more natural way. 

Do Energy-Efficient Home Designs Use Air Conditioning and Heating at All?

The answer is yes, of course they do, but they might power these machines and appliances in a method that is more environmentally friendly and easier on your pocket. Solar power is a very popular method of energy-efficient consumption because it is free, has zero carbon footprint and can be installed right on your home. In addition to this, an energy-efficient home design would only include the best-performing air conditioners and other appliances (in regard to energy consumption), meaning that every last watt of electricity is used sparingly and those that are not needed are put back into the electrical grid (which saves you money on your bill).

Can I Change the Design of My Current House?

There is always room for a more energy-efficient design in already completed homes. Technology advances so rapidly that you could be missing out on the newest and best way to conserve your power consumption. Thermal zoning, better insulation, reduced-energy lighting fixtures and recycled water are all relatively new additions to the consultant's arsenal, and yet they can revolutionise your home's electricity usage. It is never too late to start going green, and you don't have to do everything all at once. Bit-by-bit changes are perfectly possible and can help save you money.

Talk to an energy-efficient home designer to learn more. 
